Co-occurring disorders or dual Diagnosis refers to a state where a man is suffering from two problems usually a mental health issue and a substance abuse issue existing side by side. A coexisting condition can arise in several different combinations, like an eating disorder along with a substance abuse issue. Someone suffering from depression could also be struggling with an addiction to drugs such as heroin, cocaine, marijuana and so forth.
Nevertheless, while addressing a dual diagnosis case, sometimes doctors might try to treat one problem at a time. However, studies have proven that they have never been effective in eradicating the underlying causes. On the other hand, treating both issues simultaneously betters chances of recovery and a shorter route to sobriety.
Dual diagnosis issues are certainly not confined to food, medications, or some other intoxicants. In actuality, researches reveal that the underlying cause of most mental health disorders and substance abuse problems is the inability to deal with emotional pain. According to a report released by the Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA, 37 percent of alcohol abusers and 53 percent of drug abusers suffer from a significant mental health issue. Of all people diagnosed with a psychological illness, 29 percent abuse either alcohol or drugs.
Historically, doctors and Medical professionals never treated a double diagnosis problem simultaneously. To the contrary, whichever state was known to make the most negative effect on an individual was considered as the main condition and given priority over the other and clicks here for useful reference. Moreover, doctors would concentrate on the secondary illness just after treating the primary one, until it reached a stable condition.
Oftentimes, long-term use of Sequential techniques of therapy was attributed to the lack of health care experts well equipped in numerous disciplines. Because of this, just 1 condition received all the attention and the other was almost failed. By way of instance, sequential treatment for a dual diagnosis case, involving chronic depression and alcoholism, often focused primarily on the drinking problem because of its visible physical effect.
Such a preferential treatment of a single condition, where the other was left to get a later period, mostly resulted in a further deterioration of another condition, which also impacted the continuing treatment of the prior one. While the substance abuse problem has been medicated with favourable results, the mental health condition was ignored and left to intensify.
Seeking skilled help
Co-occurring disorders are complex and their diagnosis and treatment may often be challenging. However, it is important to treat both the disorders simultaneously to effectively deal with both substance abuse and psychiatric problems. In the event you or your loved one is suffering from co-occurring ailments, it is crucial to take the necessary medical aid before things go out of control.